One of the first things I started doing when I got accepted for both my Disney College Programs was plan my Traditions outfit. I LOVE outfit planning as you know and Traditions is such a memorable experience. I wanted to absolutely love my outfit from head to toe!

If you haven't heard of Traditions, it's essentially your first day of work with the Walt Disney Company. It's an orientation session where you sit in a classroom with tons of other CP's/first time Cast Members and you learn about the Disney rules, Disney history, and get your company-issued nametag. To me, Traditions is one of the most magical days and got me even more excited to be working for such an incredible company.
It takes place at Disney University which is where all the classroom trainings and orientations take place at Disney. It can be misinterpreted as a school, college, etc. but it's just a building on Disney property that you go to for Traditions and classroom training for your job! I went here when I learned the basics of Merchandise/how to operate a cash register on my first DCP. On my second DCP I had a day of training here where we learned all about hair and hair styling for the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.
Currently, Traditions is not being held at Disney University because of COVID-19 safety measures.
I asked a bunch of my friends from my DCP's if I could share their outfits on here because I wanted to share tons of different outfits you can wear to Traditions! I don't know for certain where all these pieces are from but I shopped at Loft, Old Navy, and Target for my outfit :)
My brother, Adam, and I went for a simple business casual look:

Maranda, my roommate on my second DCP, wore a long sleeve polka dot dress:

My friend from college, Sam, wore a long sleeve red dress:

My friend from my second DCP, Grace, wore a jumpsuit and a cardigan:

My friend from my first DCP, Olivia, wore a yellow blouse with black dress pants:

I hope this gives you some ideas of what to wear to Traditions and if you are starting your DCP soon, have the absolute best time!!!
See ya real soon,

sooooo cute and such great inspiration!! will definitely be referring to this when I hopefully do traditions one day!!!