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How to NOT be Homesick on Your DCP

Hey everyone!! So, I'm assuming that if you're here, it's because you got accepted into the Disney College Program or are thinking about doing the program and are nervous about leaving your family/friends for a little bit. After being away for 4 months on my first program, and 2 months on my second, I realized that there were 5 things I did that helped me not feel homesick. I'm sharing them with you here to try to help you in any way that I can!

1. Try to have your friends or family plan a trip to come see you while you're on your program. 

I think the reason that I didn't really get homesick is because I'm such a planner. I wanted to know exactly when my boyfriend was coming to visit me so we bought his plane tickets a couple days before I left. I'll admit, I was a little anxious at the idea of saying bye to him when I wasn't sure when I'd see him again! So it helped me a whole lot to know/start planning for when he was coming to see me! The same thing was true with my family too.

2. Plan things that you want to do on your CP.

I made myself a bucket list before I went down to Florida. If you want to read it, here it is! Having this made it so I always felt like I had something to do! I really didn't have much time to miss my family because I felt so busy doing other things. To me, that's a good thing. I didn't want to be stuck in my room being sad. I'm so happy I was out enjoying Disney World instead!

3. Remember that talking on the phone/Facetime is a thing.

This saved me big time on my CP. I took the buses to/from work during my program which means it took me about 5-10min to walk to the bus stop from my apartment, an hour to get to Magic Kingdom, a half hour to get home from work, then a 5-10 min walk back to my apartment. Needless to say, I had plenty of time to talk on the phone/Facetime my people from home and I did! Instead of just sitting on my phone (sometimes I would do that, obviously!), I would catch up with my mom, my boyfriend, my brother, and my dad... sometimes even my grandparents and best friends from home too. It made me feel so much happier going to work after talking to them and made the long drive home not as dreadful!

4. Occupy yourself. 

If you followed me on insta, you know how busy I was during my program. But, I did that to myself! I wanted to be busy. I full-heartedly believe that that's another reason my program went so well. I was so distracted hanging out with my friends, park-hopping, and enjoying time at work that I was having the best time and didn't really realize I was missing anything going on at home!

5. Remember that you are in DISNEY WORLD!

I came down for the experience of working and hanging out in Walt Disney World. I tried really hard not to forget that! Sometimes I was a little sad and missing my family/friends but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I didn't want to regret what I didn't do on my program.

So that's basically what I did to not get caught up on missing my family/friends too much! Moving from NY to FL was not an easy task for me so I understand how scary it can feel. If you're still feeling a little apprehensive, please feel free to message me on Instagram. I'm more than happy to talk to you more about this because I want you to have an amazing experience just like I did!

See ya real soon,



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